Historic Victoria Advertisements
Automobiles & Transportation 1920-1929
As part of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements, Automobiles & Transportation, 1920-1929, here is a 1926 advertisement for Battery Recharging, from the Weiler Auto Supply House, 1000-1012 Douglas Street at Broughton Street.

1926 advertisement for Weiler Auto Supply House, 1000-1012 Douglas Street, at Broughton Street (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
This building in which the Weiler Auto Supply House was located is still standing. In 1920, Otto Weiler retained architect Percy Fox to design this building at 1000-1012 Douglas Street / 680-690 Broughton Street as a location for the Weiler Auto Supply House and as office and commercial space for tenants.
Given the building’s current use as retail and office space, it is difficult to reconcile the description in the advertisement of the Weiler Auto Supply House being the “Best Equipped Shop In Town” for battery recharging and servicing. But Otto Weiler specifically intended this building to be a location for his Weiler Auto Supply House.

1000-1012 Douglas Street/680-690 Broughton Street, built in 1920 by architect Percy Fox for Otto Weiler
The Weiler family also built two other significant buildings facing Broughton Street:
1005-1009 Broad Street / 636 Broughton Street built by John Weiler for his furniture factory in 1884

The Weiler Building at 1005-1009 Broad Street and 636 Broughton Street was built as a furniture factory and warehouse for John Weiler in 1884.
921 Government Street, built in 1899 as the Weiler Brothers department store

The Weiler Building, 921 Government Street was built in 1899 as the Weiler Brothers department store.
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