Historic Victoria Advertisements
Automobiles & Transportation 1940-1949
As part of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements here is our page on advertisements for Automobiles & Transportation 1940-1949.
We will be adding more Historic Victoria Advertisements on Automobiles & Transportation, 1940-1949 to this page over time.

1940 advertisement for Vancouver Island Coach Lines, showing fares between Victoria and other Vancouver Island locations (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
1940 Advertisement For Vancouver Island Coach Lines
This advertisement shows the bus fares between Victoria and other Vancouver Island destinations. Note the 1 1/4 fare for a round trip.

1940 Vancouver Island Coach Lines advertisement for Victoria beaches: Thetis Lake, Cordova Bay, Cadboro Bay (Victorian Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
1940 Advertisement For Vancouver Island Coach Lines Trips To Victoria Beaches
This 19040 advertisement for Vancouver Island Coach Lines shows the bus schedules from downtown Victoria to Victoria beaches: Thetis Lake, Cadboro bay and Cordova Bay.
Unfortunately it does not provide fare prices.

1940 advertisement for Plymouth, by Begg Motor Co. Ltd., then located at 865 Yates Street, at Quadra Street (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
1940 Advertisement For Plymouth, By Begg Motor Company, 865 Yates Street
The Begg Motor Company retained architect Ralph Berrill in 1926 to design and build its showroom at 865 Yates Street / 1250 Quadra Street.
The former Begg Motor Company building is still standing at 865 Yates Street.

1940 advertisement for Packard, by Thomas Plimley Ltd., 1010 Yates Street (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)

1940 advertisement for Oldsmobile, by David-Drake Motors Ltd., then located at 900 Fort Street, on the north east corner of the Fort Street / Quadra Street intersection (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
1940 Advertisement For Oldsmobile – Davis=Drake Motors Ltd., 900 Fort Street

1940 advertisement for Nash automobiles, sold by Burton & Williams Motors Ltd., 1001 Blanshard Street. (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
1940 Advertisement For Nash Automobiles, Burton & Williams Motors Ltd., 1001 Blanshard Street

1946 Victoria advertisement for Firestone Tires. Note the “Tire Rationing Removed” in the upper right corner. Tires had been rationed during World War II (1939-1945)
1946 Advertisement For Firestone Tires, showing Victoria and Duncan Firestone Dealers
This advertisement is also interesting for its prominent statement that “Tire Rationing Ended”. Tires had been rationed during World War II (1939-1945)
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