Historic Victoria Advertisements
Music – 1910-1919
As part of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements, Music, 1910-1919 here is a 1910 advertisement for Victor Records, sold at the Montelius Piano House Ltd., 1104 Government Street, and M.W. Waitt & Co. Ltd., 1004 Government Street.

1910 advertisement for Victor Records, sold at 1004 Government Street and 1102 Government Street (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
Although Montelius Piano House and M.W. Waitt & Co. are no longer in business, the buildings in which their businesses were located in 1910 are still standing.
Montelius Piano House was located at 1104 Government Street, in the Southgate-Laschelles Building:

The Southgate-Laschelles Building, 1102 Government Street/530 Fort Street, built circa 1869 for J.J. Southgate and H.D. Laschelles
M.W. Waitt & Co. was located in the Vernon Block at 1004 Government Street:

The Vernon Block, 1000-1002 Government Street, built in 1900 by architect Thomas Hooper for Charles Vernon
Here are some of the performers being advertised:
The reference to “New MELBA Records” refers to Dame Nellie Melba (1861-1931)
Here is a 1910 Victor Red Seal recording of Dame Nellie Melba performing, “Lo, Hear The Gentle Lark (Red Seal recording 88073, recorded 23 August 1910):
Here is Dame Nellie Melba on a 1910 recording of “Se Seran Rose”:
Here is Dame Nellie Melba on a 1904 recording:
The reference to “New LAUDER Records” refers to Sir Harry Lauder (1870-1950), one of the most popular singers of the time.
Here is Sir Harry Lauder in a 1926 recording:
Here is Sir Harry Lauder singing “I Love A Lassie”:
Here is a video of Harry Lauder meeting Charlie Chaplin:
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