Historic Victoria Advertisements
As part of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements, Businesses, here is a 1909 advertisements for E.B. Marvin & Co. Ship Chandlers, 1206 Wharf Street, a significant business in downtown Victoria during the early 20th century.
The advertisement shows E.B. Marvin & Co. business address as 1206 Wharf Street but it was located in what is now 1202 Wharf Street.

1909 advertisement for E.B. Marvin & Co., Ship Chandlers, 1206 Wharf Street. (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
E.B. Marvin & Co.’s business premises is still standing at 1202 Wharf Street, part of what is now Hartwig Court.

1202-1214 Wharf Street, built in 1882 by architect H.O. Tiedemann for Roderick Findlayson
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