Historic Victoria Advertisements
Automobiles & Transportation – 1940-1949
As one of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements–Automobiles & Transportation – 1940-1949, here is a 1940 advertisement from Vancouver Island Coach Lines about taking VICL buses to Victoria beaches, specifically Thetis Lake, Cadboro Bay and Cordova Bay.

1940 Vancouver Island Coach Lines advertisement for Victoria beaches: Thetis Lake, Cordova Bay, Cadboro Bay (Victorian Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
At the time this advertisement was published in 1940, the Vancouver Island Coach Lines depot in downtown Victoria was where the current Broughton Square Parkade now stands between Broughton Street, Gordon Street and Courtney Street.
Here are links to some historic photos of the Vancouver Island Coach Lines from this period:
- City of Victoria Archives photo M00154 – Courtney Street, 1936
- City of Victoria Archives photo M00181 – 8 March 1939
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