Historic Victoria Advertisements
Women’s Clothing 1910-1919
As part of our series on Historic Victoria Advertisements, Women’s Clothing, 1910-1919, here is a 1912 advertisement for Christie’s Shoe Emporium, which was located on the south west corner of Government Street and Johnson Street, in the Russell Building, 1328 Government Street.

1912 advertisement for Christie’s Shoe Emporium, 1328 Government Street. (Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours collection)
Christie’s Shoe Emporium was located in the Russell Building, 1328 Government Street, in the store now occupied by the Cowichan Trading Company.

The Russell Block, 1316-1328 Government Street and 589 Johnson Street. Built in 1878 and 1888 by architect John Teague for R.J. Russell (photo by Victoria Online Sightseeing Tours)
Here is a map showing the location of 1328 Government Street:
Here is a Google Street View image of 1328 Government Street:
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